Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Thunderbird for OS X's Unintuitive Dock Icon Behaviour

Since I did a fairly extensive search for this problem but did not really come up with any information, let alone a solution, I thought I would post it here in the hopes that someone would be so kind as to offer advice in the form of a comment.

The basic problem is with the green badge on Thunderbird's Dock icon, simmilar to's red badge. It is suppose to indicate the number of unread messages or the number of new messages, I'm not sure which of the two is intended, the difference of which is subtle but will become apparent. The problems are:

  1. Upon receiving any additional mail after the first new message the badge still displays "1".
  2. Qutting Thunderbird with unread messages and reopening it will cause the badge to disappear.

(1) definitely is a bug, I have no doubt this is not the intended behaviour. (2) is a bit tricky as I alluded to earlier. The disappearance of the badge upon quitting is expected, it is the correct behaviour for an dock icon, what is odd is that it does not reappear when the Thunderbird is opened again. If the intent is for the badge to display new messages rather than unread messages than this might make sense. This is not, however, what I would expect or what most converts from would expect.

Incidentally this is also my first post to this blog, which might make page views sparse and this post kind of futile. My next, and more appropriate, plan of action will be to submit this as either a bug report or a feature request to Mozilla.

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